Reproductive management in action


"The female genital organs are subject, throughout the animal's sexual life, to morphological and physiological changes which always occur in the same order and which reoccur periodically in accord...

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The Game: reprodAction Farm

game cover
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Scientific Meeting: Defining, Preventing and Treating Anoestrus Condition in Cattle


Ceva Santé Animale organised the first ReprodAction Scientific Meeting with a renowned group of researchers on the field of cattle reproduction. The meeting was held on May 3rd and 4th 2012 at...

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Article: Efficacy of intravaginal progesterone releasing devices

Intravaginal device 2

This report is summarising the results of two trials done to compare two intravaginal progesterone devices (PRID DELTA vs T-shape device 1.38g). In the first trial, circulating progesterone profile...

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CEVA Santé Animale has demonstrated its commitment to improving management of reproduction in livestock animals through offering a complete range of solutions: products and protocols adapted to different industries.

We want to keep on innovating, tell us your suggestions!