Postpartum Management

Alex Bach

The Impact of Transition Cow Management on Postpartum reproduction in High-Producing Dairy Cows


Dr. Alex Bach

Department of Ruminant Production

IRTA, Barcelona, (Spain)

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Alex Bach, obtained a veterinary degree from the University Autonomous of  Barcelona, Spain in 1994. Then moved to the United States to pursue a Master and a Ph.D. in Dairy Science at the University of Minnesota (1994-1999). After graduating he returned to Spain to work in the research department of a multinational feed company, where he built nutritional models for ruminants across Europe. Since 2003, Dr. Bach is directing the Department of Ruminant Production of IRTA (Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries) devoted to study ruminant production systems (nutrition, management, development...). He conducts research on ruminant nutrition and metabolism, and dairy cow and replacement management.

Dr. Bach has received several awards in recognition to his research activity, has spoken at more than 80 international congresses, is author or co-author of more than 65 peer-reviewed publications, more than 70 extension articles, and 8 books. He is section editor and sits in the editorial boards of several scientific journals, is member of several scientific committees and serves as a scientific expert for the European Food Safety Authority. He currently conducts research on management, nutrition, and metabolism of dairy cows and replacements.


Milk Production and Reproductive performance, Part 1

Milk Production and Reproductive performance, Part 2


Lifespan and reproduction

Conception rate and embryo survival


Management and Reproduction

Voluntary Waiting Period and Reproduction


Dry-off Period and Improvement in Reproduction

Heat Stress and Reproduction


Pre-Partum and Nutrition

Diet Types in Pre-Partum

Pre-partum diets: final message

 Post-Partum Nutrition

Diet Types in Post-Partum Nutrition
